Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"Well, hey, there are lots of things wrong with the original 'Last Supper' and there were women dressed as men as models, so aren't they transvestites?"

Yes, there were problems with original. For one thing, all the models are Italian when the original men were all Jews. Also, the models mostly all have long, which was the custom of Italian men in the very late 1400s as opposed Jewish men of the first century who mostly had short hair. And there is possibly a young girl in the painting. The apostle John has a very young and effeminate face with no facial hair. In fact, if you look at the face, you can see a resemblance to Mona Lisa. Leonardo de Vinci painted Mona Lisa ten years later and may have used the same model. Lastly, the characters in the painting are seated at a table while the Bible indicates they were reclining at the table, as was the custom in the first century. So, with the errors in de Vinci's painting, why is everyone so wigged out about transvestites reenacting the Last Supper in Paris at the Olympics?

First, let me address the errors in the painting. Italians were the models used because Leonardo de Vinci painted the original in Milan, which is crawling with Italians. Italians, not Jews. You use what you have. The length of hair was for the same reason. Most of the pictures we have of Jesus shows Him with long hair. No pictures exist of Jesus from His life because Jews did not paint or draw pictures of people, so the European artists painted what they knew. As for the possible girl, it would be very hard to get people to hold a pose for a long time. Perhaps the girl, if she is indeed a girl, offered her services and could hold a pose. And as far as sitting as opposed to reclining, Leonardo would have painted what he knew. He was hardly a theologian.

When I read of the Olympic disgrace, and then saw the video, I was not at all offended that they mocked a famous painting. It is, after all, a work done by a very fallible man. However, they were not attacking a piece of art, no, no. They were attacking the very foundation of our faith. These artistic geniuses who know nothing of a life of struggle, brazenly took our faith and attempted to shred it. Christianity is mocked around the world anyway. And these brilliant minds knew that there would be backlash but all they would have to do was say they were sorry, it wasn't meant to offend, it was just artistic expression. Eventually everyone would forget about it and go on their way.

I read a comment about this by a pastor. He said that if Jesus were here, He would invite those responsible and those who took part to sit with Him at His table. Which is true. However, what this weak kneed cleric failed to point out is that while they were all eating, Jesus would have talked about sin and the wages of sin and the certainty of heaven and eternal judgement. Then, lovingly, he would have asked them to repent. Much of Christendom seeks to appease the world, to get along with them, to look the other way and be easy on sin. I have heard that song and dance as presented by that pastor for decades, and that is the reason churches are dying.  

There will be a reckoning, of course. Both here and throughout eternity. But let's see the difference between these artistic cowards who hide behind their shields of words and expression and the men whom they are trashing.

If you have a print of the Last Supper or have it on your computer, I am going to go from left to right and name the disciples and Jesus as Leonardo listed them.

1.) Bartholomew. Other than the mentions in the New Testament, we know very little other than he refused to quit preaching and would not deny Christ. For this crime he was skinned alive. 

2.) James the Less, as opposed to James the brother of John. His calling was to remain in Jerusalem and preach the Gospel. For this crime, and for not renouncing Christ, he was stoned to death. Stoning was a harsh way to die, for only a crushing stone to the skull would insure death.

3.) Andrew, the brother of Peter. He took the Word to Greece, where he was convicted of heresy for denying the local goddess. He was sentence to be crucified and he requested that his cross be mounted at an angle so no one would compare him to Jesus. His brother Peter was crucified at about the same time, possibly the same day. Neither would have known of the other's situation, yet Peter was crucified upside down so no one would confuse him with Jesus.

4.) Judas Iscariot. Took his own life out of guilt for betraying Christ.

5.) Simon Peter. Although he denied Christ three times the night of the trial, he spent the rest of his life serving the forgiving Savior. As mentioned before, died crucified upside down.

6.) John. The only disciple to die of natural causes. But before his death in his nineties, he was beaten, brutalized, boiled in oil and exiled to a barren island. He gave us the Book of John, First, Second and Third John and the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.     

7.) Jesus Christ. So full of love that He left heaven to be born here on earth. So full of love that he allowed Himself to be beaten and mocked and crucified to be the blood sacrifice for the ages. So full of love He set aside the weight of death and rose to glory to prepare a place for all those who believe. The Savior of all who will accept His grace.  

8.) Thomas. Ridiculed for ages as the one who doubted the Resurrection. But once his faith was restored, he wound up in India, carrying the blessed Word. He was killed there for his faith.

9.) James, brother of John. First disciple killed for his faith and the only disciple, other than Judas Iscariot. whose death is recorded in Scripture. Acts 12:1-5.

10.) Philip. Went to Hierapolis in Antioch, Greece. There he established a Christian community which became to0 large and threatened the worship of other gods. When he refused to back down, he was arrested, tried and crucified.

11.) Matthew. A despised tax collector, he came to Jesus and became one of the disciple band. He traveled to Ethiopia where he formed a Christian community in the capital. He was confronted in the house of worship there. He could have denied Christ and lived, but he would not back down. He was stabbed to death in the house of worship.

12.) Simon the Less, as opposed to Simon Peter. He took the Gospel to Babylon where he created a worship center. Most likely this was the group of Christians Saul (who became Paul) was charged with rooting out and killing. Simon was seized by a crowd and was beaten to death.

Now, let's just say that Christ was an imposter and all his followers were just fools. Even so, all those men, except Judas Iscariot, died noble and heroic deaths. Even if they were wrong, those participants and those who were responsible for that Olympic display, would not even be worthy to bring glasses of water to such men. But they WERE NOT WRONG! JESUS, SENT TO SAVE, GATHERED THE BEST TO SERVE HIM! He even chose the betrayer, so that He could be betrayed. Against all that, those people committed a sin that will be with them forever. Even if they repent, what they did will never leave their minds.

Always remember; mockery is the last tool the deceiver has when all else fails. Jesus wins!  

1 comment:

  1. Larry, great blog. I did a message on the lives of the disciples. Wonderful testament to Chist and what horrible deaths they suffered in His name
