Sunday, September 10, 2023

"A woman died in this house 80 years ago, all alone and under terrible circumstance." So begins a television show about the paranormal. This brave trio is going to attempt to contact the spirit of the dead woman and convince her to leave the house and the terrified family that lives there now. They have electronic equipment that can see into the spirit world and with this equipment they hope to tap into the spirit. Right after these important commercial messages.

Or it could be a show about aliens. (cosmic, not South American) Or it could be about interdimensional shifts and creatures and people from another realm. 'The truth is out there.'

It all fits into an hour of programming. At the end there is no real evidence that there was success. Even so, the show makes a lot of money from the sponsors and the sponsors make lots of money from the viewer and the viewer has a lot of anxiety. But is it all real?

Some of you are nodding and saying under your breath, 'I know what I saw and it was real!' The show I endured stated that when someone dies an unhappy death their soul remains in the place where they died, seeking peace. People in semi-creepy old homes hear knockings and moans and breathing. Sometimes a voice wakes them, but no one is there. Suddenly there is a cold spot in the room and the rest of the room is warm. So, common sense tells us it must be real.

But...wait a minute. I just spent a week in a local hospital. Many people have died very unhappy deaths there. It should be crawling with ghouls and spirits. Of course, it is a modern hospital, well-lit and filled with all manner of people. Maybe spirits are unhappy only if the place they are in is old and creepy and drafty and settling. That would make me unhappy. Maybe aliens only visit one or two people at a time because they are shy. Maybe alien abduction cases happen to people who have angered our space cousins. Again, the truth is out there.

Pastor, you have never seen what I saw! You are just a skeptic! No, I have never seen what you saw, and you have never seen what I have seen. A dining room table with all eight chairs on top of the table, neatly arranged. Just the front legs of the chairs were on the table. The back legs were in the air. A rocking chair rocking with no one around. I asked the family where all the disturbances seemed to originate from. The daughter stepped up and said her room. As we walked toward her room, an imprint of a very large hand pressing against me appeared on my shirt. It was difficult to move. When we got to her room, I immediately saw a satanic emblem on a necklace on her dresser. I asked where she got it. From a boyfriend. I asked her if she minded if I destroyed it. She said no. Her Dad had been working in the room and his tool belt was there. I took the hammer and smashed the necklace. Then I gathered the family and prayed with them and commanded the demon that was affecting the house to leave. The chairs fell, the rocker stopped and they never had another problem. This was just one incident that I have been involved in. I have also seen strange lights in the sky. I have met some people who seemed like aliens.

Oh, yes, I believe.

I believe what we see and hear is demon activity. I believe TV shows that exploit such activity are driven by Satan in order to confuse and dismay people and drive them from God. I believe that when we die we go to our reward, either heaven or hell. The Bible tells us the believer is absent from the body when they die and present with Lord and with the story of the rich man going to hell upon dying, I believe that the unbeliever dies here and comes to in hell.

Yes, the truth is out there. It isn't in some truly stupid TV show. It isn't on the pages of some book written by a paranormal expert. The truth is on the pages of the Bible. And if we would quit watching the shows and reading the books and instead concentrate on the Word of God, the truth would be etched upon our hearts.



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