Tuesday, October 11, 2022

     As I begin this week's blog, I have to preface this with a statement. I am very, very smart. I have a doctorate degree to prove it, and they don't give those out in Cracker Jack boxes. Well, maybe they do, but it is not like you can print them off on your home printer. Well, actually, you can....BUT I DID NOT PRINT MINE OFF! I ARE SMART!

    So, having established my intellect, I would like to share with you something my amazing brain figured out.

    I was at the pharmacy and a mother was pushing a little girl in the shopping cart. At least I thought it was a little girl. It may have been a little boy who had realized in the womb that he was a she. For that matter, the one pushing him/her may have been the birth parent, but even though I perceived her (with my amazing brain) as a woman, it could have been his/her father who had gotten pregnant (I am old fashioned enough to hope he/she was married) and had born this child. As they walked by, the child was making sounds like a cat. Meows and hisses and YEOWs. The child was also making swiping motions like a cat does when you hold it by the tail. The mother/father was smiling, and it was sweet little moment between parent and child. And it was at that moment that it hit me! So hard did it hit me that I nearly fell backward. I heard another child whisper to his/her mother/father, "Look, mommy/daddy, that old man/woman almost fell!" Fortunately, a display of Blistex kept me from going to the floor. But I didn't even notice. It was all so clear! And no one else has even mentioned it!

    This whole thing of gender identification is all well and good, but I think the story is species identification. THE CREATURE, IN THE WOMB, KNOWS ITS ACTUAL SPECIES AND IS DISAPPOINTED AT BIRTH TO SEE IT IS HUMAN!

    Think about it...scientists, who are smart like me, tell us that our DNA differs only in the tiniest little bit from a cucumber. When we think about our DNA compared to, say, a cockroach, the DNA strands are much closer. (This is all hard science, by the way.) Between ourselves and other mammals it would be much closer still. Between us and apes, it is so close as to be barely discernable. Now, the smart scientist people are telling us that a baby (sorry; a fetus) in the womb already knows its gender. (An unrelated thought here, but these smart scientist people tell us that abortion is OK because the fetus is an unviable tissue mass, like a tumor. So, how can that unviable tissue mass be able to think of its gender?) Why, then, can't the fetus also know its species? It kicks out like any animal does when they are trapped, it recoils to loud noises like any animal does, it spends most of its time sleeping, like any animal does. It all makes such perfect sense!

    And it would explain so much in my own life. When I was wee tiny and my sisters played house, I was the family dog. I have always had a knack with dogs. I can stare into a dog's eyes, and we communicate on a telepathic level. I can sit with a dog and howl until the dog howls. I love to be scratched behind the ears. I don't much like cats. What more proof is needed? I am thinking that my species was supposed to be dog. A big, slobbery St. Bernard.

    It would explain other aspects of the population. Naturally mean people were meant to be badgers. Ballerinas were meant to be swans. Seemingly uninterested people were meant to be cats. Rappers were meant to be chimps. We were meant to be one species, but we were born human. And the reverse would be true, as well. A particularly smart dog might have been meant to be a person. 

    I believe that sometime, in the next few years, this will be deemed as true by the smart scientist people. Then we will have to go around on a leash. 

    Think of the implications! People/animals roaming the streets can finally be rounded up and taken to the pound and humanely put down. The problem of the old and infirm, the mentally deficient, the handicapped, any who oppose, all taken care of in a racially just and humane way. Our society will at last achieve our highest destiny.

    I know some of you will think I am making fun of serious science. But you are wrong. I am making fun of stupid science. Science with a political agenda, science with a humanist bent, science filled with people who don't have the intelligence to even pass the entrance exams of a college a generation ago, back when a degree actually meant something. I sat in a hospital waiting room this morning and looked around and everyone had a mask on. Two years after the pandemic. Thank you, modern science.

    Stop and rationally think how stupid it is to say a child in the womb already knows its gender. Stop and think how stupid it is to say a five year old can make the decision of what its gender is to be. Stop and think how stupid, and scary, it is to say that the school can determine the true gender of a child whether you want them to or not. How stupid is that? Just about as stupid as species identification.

    Somewhere the Lord God got lost in the shuffle. The horror of our age.             


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